Category Archives: Beauty Tips

Five Ways To Resolve Your Common Skin Concerns

Your skin protects all parts of your body. Therefore, it is prone to ailments as it is exposed to the elements. In addition, being an excretory organ, the skin regularly comes into contact with bodily wastes. Consequently, it becomes hypersensitive, worn out or injured. There are remedies that can help you heal and rejuvenate roughed […]

What to Expect During a Facial Treatment for Acne

For first-timers, facial acne treatment might seem complex with its several steps. However, once you put the paranoia aside, the treatment can offer you an outcome to your liking. Procedures are consistent, with slight adjustments made according to the client’s needs. A mandatory pre-facial session will inform you what to expect during and after treatment. […]

Why You Should Start Caring For Your Skin From Young

In the recent past, skincare has caused a frenzy among youths, especially females. The Internet is flooded with thousands of Facebook pages, Instagram profiles and YouTube channels of people advising on topics like; fitness routines, makeup and general beauty remedies. The visible trend amongst these platforms is that people taking up the initiative is between […]

The Do’s & Don’ts When Dealing With a Breakout

Breakouts can happen to anyone, regardless of age. Acne breakouts are problematic as they make your skin look uneven. Sometimes, they are hard to deal with, especially without a facial treatment. In fact, there are many factors that contribute to breakouts: cleanliness, the environment, as well as the products that you are using for your […]

Tips for Maintaining a Glowing Skin During Pregnancy

Pregnancy offers its challenges even before you can get to motherhood. During pregnancy, fluctuating hormonal levels compounded with sweat, sun, chlorine and sweat, can make your skin look bad if you don’t take care of it. The fluctuations of hormones can also cause food cravings resulting in food binges causing damages to your skin. Your […]

Signs That Your Face is Lacking Sufficient Moisture

Human skin should have between 10 and 15% moisture content to be confidently labelled as healthy. This rate, unfortunately, is rarely found in young teens and youths due to improper skin care practices. At this rate, your skin will pass the pinch test by regaining its shape faster when pinched. Below this rate, however, the […]