What to Expect During a Facial Treatment for Acne

For first-timers, facial acne treatment might seem complex with its several steps. However, once you put the paranoia aside, the treatment can offer you an outcome to your liking.

Procedures are consistent, with slight adjustments made according to the client’s needs. A mandatory pre-facial session will inform you what to expect during and after treatment. After the treatment procedure, there is a post-facial session where you will be guided on self-care. Your attendant will inform you of how long you should expect to see the results. These are some of the steps in an acne facial treatment procedure.

During the consultation, it is necessary for you to provide information on your health to the beautician. If you are on medication, you must sound out as there will be medications involved in the treatment. From the consultation, your skin therapist will decide whether the procedure is suitable for you. Bear in mind that the therapist should only ask relevant questions pertaining to your health.

It is crucial for you to thoroughly cleanse your face, shoulders, and neck to remove any accumulated dirt. All makeup should be removed to ensure maximum contact between your skin and the treatment products. During the session, your skin will be assessed for any anomalies and possible sensitivity. The wash will also reveal the actual texture and tone of your skin. Through the analysis, the procedure will be modified for you to maximise the benefits of treatment.

Steaming and massaging
Massaging helps in blood circulation and making the nerves active. Steaming moisturises and softens your skin for easy absorption of necessary elements. It also softens your pores to enhance penetration of the masking elements.

Chemical exfoliation
Salicylic acid products are the most common in exfoliation. The choice of the product to be used is dependent on the magnitude of your condition and sensitivity of your skin. By removal of dead skin and accumulated debris, your skin will be softened and smoothened.

Comedone extraction
The most important and sensitive part of the procedure, your aesthetician will use special tools to remove blackheads and spots from your skin. At this stage, the skin is already soft and moist, expediting the process. There might be mild discomfort but if you feel pain, inform your therapist so that he/she can reduce the pressure applied. Results are instant after extraction.

Face masking
The sulphur masks are the most preferred acne treatment in singapore. However, if you are allergic to sulphur products, your therapist will decide on the best alternative that will give the desired outcome. The mask is meant to facilitate absorption of the elements of the beauty product used. The beautician will apply the paste gently on the surface using a soft brush.

Sun proofing
After treating your skin with softeners and moisturisers, any exposure to direct sun rays can be detrimental. Therefore, the skin is coated with sunscreen product that prevents damage. It is vital to apply the recommended product daily after the facial because it will keep your skin toned and glowing.

Acne is not a permanent condition. The services of singapore’s best facial treatment professionals guarantee positive results with stress-free procedures.

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